OPLObjectFile** LOC::O:\APP\GRAPH.OPLt Graph.ODB \OPD\ FLAG% SPEED% RANGE FUNC1$ FUNC2$ FUNC3$ ARRAY EVENT GOSUBX SIN(Q) COS(Q) SIN(Q)*SIN(Q*4) OnOFO OnOFO GRAPH Welcome to the definitive GRAPHO plotting program for the PsionO Series 3 computer. Press ENTERO or ESCape.O LRFBMSCXIOEDANZPVKT O3@[ O2@`[ GRAPHs+ RangesOR+ FunctionsOF+ ShowOS+ ClearOC+ ArrowOA+ InfoOI Points+ Plot PointsOO+ Edit PointsOE+ Polynomial GRAPH FitOP+ Linear GRAPH FitOL+ Evaluate F(Q)OV Maths+ Runge-KuttaOK+ Newton RaphsonON+ Sims EquationsOZ+ DeterminantsOD Special+ Plotting SpeedOB+ Translate PointsOT+ Merge Data FilesOM+ ExitOX gosub gosub Translate Points SOURCE Data File:O TARGET Data File:O F(Q,Y) = G(Q,Y) = Translate Points Attempt to convert errorsO on Y ordinate?O YesOY+ W7Oy@[ Translating PointsO ERRY& ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" ERRY& ERRY& ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO COMPUTE EVENT FUNC1$ RANGE FUNC2$ FUNC3$ Runge-Kutta Use formula from GRAPH:+ One,Two,Three,Other Runge-Kutta Initial Q (X) :*/ B}Tj*/ Final Q (X) : Initial Y :*/ B}Tj*/ Number Of Steps :O dY/dQ (Q,Y) : Create File Of Data Points :+ Yes,No Select Filename +"Existing files will be overwrittenO Data Points File :O Doing Runge-KuttaO ERRY& Escape +!Do you wish to abandon performingO Runge-Kutta integration?O YesOY+ W7Oy@[ Doing Runge-KuttaO ERRY& Runge-Kutta Final Q (X) : + Final Y : Data Points In FileO ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO Possible Maths ErrorO FUNC1$ FUNC2$ FUNC3$ Linear GRAPH Fit Date Name:O Type Of Fit:+ Unweighted,Weighted GRAPH Fitting...O ERRY& ERRY" ERRY& ERRY" ERRY" ERRY& ERRY" ERRY" Analysing Fit...O ERRY& ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" Unweighted Linear GRAPH Fit ( Points)K Weighted Linear GRAPH Fit ( Points)K Y = M*Q + CO Gradient M= Standard error(M)= Y-Intercept C= Standard error(C)= Correlation Coeff= Unweighted Linear GRAPH Fit ( Points)K Weighted Linear GRAPH Fit ( Points)K Y = M*Q + CO R.M.S. Deviation= Q-Intercept = Standard error = No Q-InterceptO X-bar= Y-bar= Linear GRAPH Fit +"Do you wish to plot this function:+ Yes,No GRAPH Number:+ One,Two,Three Linear GRAPH Fit +"Fitted linear GRAPH now programmedO into GRAPH Linear GRAPH Fit Linear GRAPH Fit Failed! ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO COMPUTE FUNC3$ FUNC2$ FUNC1$ SIN(Q) Evaluate F(Q) Function From GRAPH:+ One,Two,Three,Other B}Tj*/ Function (Other): Evaluate F(Q) F(Q)= CancelO ContinueO EVENT SOLSIMS ARRAY FUNC1$ FUNC2$ FUNC3$ OZ4[ Polynomial GRAPH Fit Data Name:O Degree Of Fit:+ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 GRAPH Fitting ( VOd|RO Escape Do you wish to abandon thisO Polynomial GRAPH Fit?O YesOY+ W7Oy@[ GRAPH Fitting ( VOd|RO Solving Sims...O O 4[ *Q**K |ZRJO |ZRJO |ZRJO |ZRJO |ZRJO |ZRJO |ZRJ+ Polynomial GRAPH Fit (degree Determinant is R.M.S. Fit= Data PointsKO Polynomial GRAPH Fit (degree Coefficient C Polynomial GRAPH Fit (degree Polynomial GRAPH Fit (degree +"Do you wish to plot this function:+ Yes,No GRAPH Number:+ One,Two,Three Polynomial GRAPH Fit (degree + Fitted polynomial now programmedO into GRAPH Polynomial GRAPH Fit (degree +$Too big a polynomial to attempt plot Polynomial GRAPH Fit +!Not enough data to fit this GRAPH ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO EVENT COMPUTE FUNC1$ FUNC2$ FUNC3$ Newton-Raphson Iteration Use formula from GRAPH:+ One,Two,Three,Other Newton-Raphson Iteration F(Q)= Q starting value:*/ B}Tj*/ Newton Raphson IterationW2LO Newton Raphson Iteration F(Q) Newton Raphson Iteration Derivative uncalculable atO SOLSIMS ARRAY OZ4[ Determinants Solver Matrix width/height:+ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Determinants - Row Column B}Tj*/ Determinants - Row Column B}Tj*/ Finding Determinant...O Determinants Solver Determinant is SOLSIMS ARRAY OZ4[ Simultaneous Equations Number Unknowns:+ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 H4\[G B}Tj*/ B}Tj*/ Solving Sims...O Sims Solutions Sims Solutions Sims Solutions Determinant= Sims Solutions No one solution ARRAY PROCG RANGE Plot Points Data Name:O Plot Points GRAPH Number:+ One,Two,Three Range Setting:+ Auto,Current Plot Function Too:+ No,Yes Plot Y Error:+ No,Yes Include (0,0) on axis?O YesOY+ W7Oy@ ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" ERRY" @Q@RN ERRY" @Q@RWBMx ERRY" @Q@RWBQIx ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO Edit Points Data Name:O Edit Points +%Do you wish to change current points? YesOY+ W7Oy@[u YERR" Edit Points Data Point: Q (or X) Coord:*a Y Coord:*a Err in Y Coord:O Delete Point:+ No,Yes YERR& YERR" Err in Y Coord taken as 1O YERR& Edit Points - Add Point Q (or X) Coord:*a Y Coord:*a Err in Y Coord:O CancelO AcceptO YERR& YERR" Err in Y Coord taken as 1O YERR& ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO EVENT RANGE FUNC1$ FUNC2$ FUNC3$ GRAPH 0 InformationW2LO GRAPH InformationK <= Q <=KO <= Y <=KO F(Q)= PROCG Clear & Replot GRAPH Number:+ One,Two,Three,ALL Which GRAPH?O PROCG FUNC1$ FUNC2$ FUNC3$ + Functions GRAPH Number:+ One,Two,Three F(Q)= Function Not Changed PROCG RANGE Ranges GRAPH Number:+ One,Two,Three Ranges (GRAPH Minimum Q:*a Maximum Q:*a Minimum Y:*a Maximum Y:*a Invalid Ranges - Not Set FLAG% Are you sure?O YesOY+ RANGE @Q@RN EVENT SPEED% Plotting GRAPH Om4`[ Escape Do you wish to abort plottingO GRAPH YesOY+ W7Oy@[ Plotting GRAPH RANGE FUNC3$ FUNC2$ FUNC1$ Function Undefined At Q= Enter Y value:*a @Q@RN @Q@RN EVENT RANGE Arrow +#Which GRAPH plotting plotting area?O OnOFO OnOFO Quit from Arrow firstO Om8[ OE8[ @[@VO @Q@VO SPEED% Plotting Speed Current setting:+ SLOWO Current setting:+ MEDIUMO Current setting:+ FASTO New setting:+ Slow,Medium,Fast Merge Data Files 1st Source File:O 2nd Source File:O TARGET FILE:O Error: Source(s) = TargetO Merging Data FilesO ERRY& ERRY" ERRY& ERRY" ERROR Press Escape/Enter to ContinueO Help: GRAPH( GRAPHs( Points( Maths( Special( Info( Help: GRAPHs( Ranges( + Functions( Show( Clear( Arrow( Info( Help: Ranges( +$A GRAPH plotting program which won't +#let you change the range you view a +#GRAPH over would be pretty useless. +"This GRAPH plotting program isn't. +$When you change a GRAPH's range, the +#most recent function is re-plotted. Help: Functions( +!Functions to be plotted/evaluated +"should be entered in computer type +#algebra, with Q (not X) as ordinate + variable. Consult the Psion user + manual for the EVAL/Calc format. Help: Show( +%GRAPH has three GRAPH plotting areas. +&These are numbered 1 to 3. Use SHOW to +&select a GRAPH to view. Pressing 1, 2, +%or 3 has the same effect as selecting +'Show and then 1, 2, or 3 from the menu. Help: Clear( +"If you wish to clear one or all of +#the GRAPH plotting areas, then this +!is the menu option to select. The +!GRAPH(s) will be cleared, and the +!last function will be re-plotted. Help: Arrow( +'This function lets you steer, using the +'cursor & Psion keys, a cross hair whose +&Q,Y coordiantes are displayed for you. +&This only works on GRAPHs One and Two. Help: Info( +$Selecting this menu option will show +$you the current ranges and functions +#on each of the three GRAPH plotting +$areas. If a function is too complex, +#it will not fit on the Info window. Help: Points( Plot Points( Edit Points( Polynomial GRAPH Fit( Linear GRAPH Fit( Evaluate F(Q)( Help: Plot Points( +%One of the most interesting things to +#be done with data points is to plot +$them. To satisfy the natural urge in +"us all to plot data points, select this option. Help: Edit Points( +$It is often useful to be able to put +#your own data into a GRAPH plotting +&program. Use this option to edit/enter +$data points; you must do this if you +&wish to plot or GRAPH fit data points. Help: Polynomial GRAPH Fit( +#You can fit polynomials of the form +%Y = C0 + C1*Q + C2*Q**2 + C3*Q**3 ... +$Fitted polynomials of up to degree 5 +&can be plotted, either with or without +!the data points which the fit was calculated from. Help: Linear GRAPH Fit( +#A linear GRAPH fit is just a degree +%one polynomial fit. You get, however, +!more statistical analysis on this +"menu selection. Note that for this +#as for polynomial fitting, you need +&to have created a file of data points. Help: Evaluate F(Q)( +$To make life easy, you can find F(Q) +&for one of the three GRAPHed functions +#or for a different function entered by you. Help: Maths( Runge-Kutta( Newton Raphson( Sims Equations( Determinants( Help: Runge-Kutta( +%A cunning way to integrate a function +"over a specified range (in Q). The function to be integrated is a function of Q (X) and Y. Help: Newton Raphson( +$Use this to solve F(Q)=0, where F(Q) +"comes from one of the three GRAPHs or is entered specifically. Help: Sims Equations( +$To solve linear equations in up to 9 +#unknown variables, use this option. +%The equations are entered in the form Aa + Bb + Cc = D etc... Help: Determinants( +"Gives the determinant of up to 9x9 +"matricies. Sims Eqs also gives the +!`determinant' of the matrix which +#is used to represent the equations. Help: Special( Plotting Speed( Translate Points( Merge Data Files( Exit( Help: Plotting Speed( +"Sometimes you want to have a GRAPH +(plotted quickly just to get it's general +&outline. Sometimes you need a detailed +$plot. Choose between the three GRAPH +%plotting speeds (Slow, Medium, Fast). Help: Translate Points( +$When you have created a file of data +&points, you way wish to translate them +%to a new set. eg: translate all the Y +'coordinates to Y**2 or SIN(Y). Use this option to do so. Help: Merge Data Files( +'This option lets you create a data file +%of points which comprises of the data +'points from two other files. Using this +&option will save you re-entering data. Help: Exit( + You can't seriously want help on + this. If you really want to stop +#GRAPH, press PSION_ESC. This is not +"advised at all. Pressing ESC alone +!usually quits a course of action. Help: Info( GRAPH : Version 2.12O G Essex-Lopresti 1993O +&This program may be freely copied, butO +&I accept no blame for any way in whichO +#it affects your standard of living.O START GOSUBT GOSUBK DYDXt GOSUBLy GOSUBV GOSUBP GOSUBN COMPUTE GOSUBDe% GOSUBZ SOLSIMS POSr- GOSUBO GOSUBE GOSUBI GOSUBC=: GOSUBS); GOSUBF GOSUBR GOSUBX AXIS1? PROCGl@ GOSUBA GOSUBB EVENT GOSUBM